#/bin/bash if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ] || [ -z $3 ] || [ -z $4 ] || [ -z $5 ]; then echo "*****Input the necessary parameters: CONTAINERID IP MASK GATEWAY ETHNAME" echo "*****Call the script like: sh manual_con_static_ip.sh b0e18b6a4432 24 deth0" exit fi CONTAINERID=$1 SETIP=$2 SETMASK=$3 GATEWAY=$4 ETHNAME=$5 #判断宿主机网卡是否存在 ifconfig $ETHNAME > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then read -p "$ETHNAME exist,do you want delelte it? y/n " del if [[ $del == 'y' ]]; then ip link del $ETHNAME else exit fi fi pid=`docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' $CONTAINERID` mkdir -p /var/run/netns find -L /var/run/netns -type l -delete if [ -f /var/run/netns/$pid ]; then rm -f /var/run/netns/$pid fi ln -s /proc/$pid/ns/net /var/run/netns/$pid ip link add $ETHNAME type veth peer name B brctl addif br3 $ETHNAME ip link set $ETHNAME up ip link set B netns $pid #先删除容器内已存在的eth0 ip netns exec $pid ip link del eth0 > /dev/null 2>&1 #设置容器新的网卡eth0 ip netns exec $pid ip link set dev B name eth0 ip netns exec $pid ip link set eth0 up ip netns exec $pid ip addr add $SETIP/$SETMASK dev eth0 ip netns exec $pid ip route add default via $GATEWAY